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HTML Day 2024: Seattle

(belated) HTML Day 2024: Seattle

SUNDAY, July 14, 2024
4-6 pm
Volunteer Park (Dahlia garden)

What is this?
We get together in person and write HTML!

What should I bring?
yourself, something to write HTML on, and park vibes (picnic blanket, paper, snacks will all be appreciated)

Where exactly?

Who is running this?
Alicia (@upcycledwords) & looking for a cohost 👀!
We are keeping the HTML.energy fire going strong!

Need to contact us???
DM me on Twitter or email (aliciaxguo@gmail.com)

Is this the same as last year's event?
Pretty much!

I'm not in Seattle. Is there an event in my city?
Check out html.energy/events.html. If your city isn't listed, feel free to organize your own!